Counselor Connection:
Kinder, 1st & 2nd: We started off the new year working on listening expectations. This is something students tend to need more practice on after a long break. Kinder and 1st graders should be very familiar with what parts of our body we use for whole body listening! We discussed in K-2 the importance of listening, such as showing respect and caring about the person speaking, as well as being able to follow directions. We also started talking about how to respect that we are the same and different from others.
3rd: We focused on positive affirmations and discussed the importance of identifying our positive qualities and using positive self-talk instead of negative self-talk. We also started talking about how to respect others even though we are all different from each other.
4th: We learned about the importance of goal setting as well as how to set a goal, ensuring it is specific and realistic.
5th: We focused on goal setting, using SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely) and discussed how we can use perseverance when faced with challenges or obstacles along the way.
Schoolwide Team Update:
We continue to have a monthly goal of 1500 stickers, and this month our students met their goal by earning 1511 stickers. Green Team (Strength) led the way by contributing 456 stickers. Our prize for earning the goal this month will be computer time during our next Team meetings on 2/7/25.
The upcoming life skill for the month of February is honesty. Michael and Jing Standaert attended our Hawks Happenings Assembly on 1/31/25 to talk about honesty and the Chinese culture.
Monthly Expectations Connected to Home:
Honesty is incredibly important for kids because it builds trust with others, helps them make strong relationships, and allows them to grow into responsible adults who are respected by others; when kids are honest, they create a foundation for healthy interactions with friends and family, making them reliable and trustworthy in the eyes of those around them. Here is an article that shares three steps parents can take to raise more honest kids.
Resource of the Month:
West Central Human Service Center has many services available for children and adults. One option for behavioral concerns is called “Walk-In Behavioral Health Assessment” or is sometimes referred to as “Open Access”. You can read more about these assessments by clicking this link.