Highland Acres PTO Meeting
February 4, 2025
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Principal Report
3. Treasurer Report
4. Upcoming
a. February
i. 10-14 - Giving HAWKS Week
1. New chairs? New flooring coming! (lounge request in, painting request needs to be put in)
ii. 10 & 11 - Conferences
1. 10 - Lindsey Solberg Herbel will do
2. 11 - Volunteer? Order in?
iii. 28 - Movie Night- 6pm
1. Movie? School vote?
2. Concessions (GR popcorn) Alyssa Johnson Family helping
b. March
i. 4 - PTO Meeting
ii. 20- STEM Night (5:30-7) Skeels Electric sponsoring event!
iii. All School Photo sale
c. April
i. 1- PTO meeting
ii. 23 - Admin Assistant Day
iii. 24 - Art Extravaganza (Balloon Ninja $220, Theo Art $60?)
1. Theme: Community? Maskerade?
5. HAWKS Gear
6. HAWKS Requests
7. Teacher Appreciation
a. Gift Card Drawing
8. Adjournment