September 3, 2024
1. Welcome and Introductions
a. Attendees
Katie Houle, Renee Tomala, Cody Sletten, Leah Wheeling, Rachel Flurer, Alicia Fladeland, Michelle Nyhus, Brian Nelson, Kristine Johnson, Mademoiselle (Madz), Lindsey Solberg Herbel, Brenda Beiswenger
2. Principal Report
a. Watch Dog update - Brenda will be speaking with staff before any final decisions are made. Expectation is that HA will use a slightly adapted program.
b. All school photo dates - Still working on dates. Poppy Mills has volunteered to take the photo
3. Treasurer/Org Items
a. Budget Review & Approval - Approved as is by all present.
4. Upcoming
a. September
i. Gear Orders - send out link - Link has been sent. Plan is to continue sending in future comms. Trucker hats and joggers were requested to be added to the store.
b. October
i.Raffle Tickets- Oct. 21
ii. Breakfast with Buddies - October 22
iii. Conferences- Oct. 14-15 - Lindsey SH has volunteered already to prepare one staff meal.
5. Teacher Appreciation
a. Popcorn Friday
b. Gift Card drawing - New aide won.
6. Adjournment